Peter Coes, a long-time resident of Cape Cod is a multidimensional artist, and a master
–– painter
–– carver
–– woodworker
–– illustrator
–– storyteller
He is also an experienced mariner, model boat builder, general handyman, and the list goes on, but always ends with nice human being!
To appreciate the depth and breadth of his exceptional and unique art, and to meet a genuine artist, please visit his website at and drop by his studio on Historic Route 6A in Cummaquid, Massachusetts.
“Artist By Artist,” my appreciation of Peter and his artwork marks the release of the series “Portraits In Context” and the introduction of an evolving medium, “Real-Time Photographic Collage.” An early example of this medium is my series, “Smear Paintings.” I create ephemeral paintings, collages or installations in front of the camera lens and capture the image using either natural or ambient lighting.
Please explore this portrait series on my Art page.